
60 Plus Years of Cumulative Transfer Pricing Expertise


TP comfort letters / Memo for auditors

      • Identifying the related parties and related party transactions
      • Determining whether the RPT are at arm’s length
      • Issuance of Comfort letters/ Memo for auditors that the RPT are at arm’s length.

FIN 48 assistance – quantification of TP exposure on uncertain tax positions

      • Identify related party transactions
      • Understand the TP Policy
      • Determine and quantify Fin48 Transfer Pricing Exposure

Related party compliances arising on account of SEBI Listing Obligations, Disclosure Requirements (LODR)& Companies Act requirement.

      • Identification of related parties
      • Determing whether such RPT are in the ordinary course of business;
      • Determining whether the RPT are undertaken on arm’s length basis by
        • analysing and evaluating various approvals required (i.e. audit committee, board of directors, shareholders etc.) for each of the RPT as per the Companies Act 2013 and SEBI regulations
        • analyse other supporting documents, emails and third party information available to substantiate the pricing of the RPT
        • review RPT compliances under the Companies Act on a quarterly/ half-yearly/annual basis and present our analysis at board meetings to assure directors that required compliances are met

Cost benefit analysis documentation for intra group payments – Royalty and Management charges

Pillar 1 & Pillar 2 Impact Analysis

    • Pillar One:
      • Analysis of applicable MNE Group on exposure of Pillar One through payment of Amount A and advisory on (re)structuring the MNE from transfer pricing perspective.
      • Evaluating option of Amount B based on detailed review of functional analysis of the distribution entities of MNE Group including applicability, evaluating restructuring & exit charge implications, robust documentation for opting under Amount B and scenario analysis.
    • Pillar Two:
      • Evaluating impact of Pillar Two on the MNE Group in various jurisdictions.
      • Advisory on updating MNE Group‘s internal accounting and reporting teams to ensure accurate capturing of data points required for computing Globe ETR and filing of Globe Return.
      • Preparing the Globe Return, as prescribed in the respective jurisdictions’ tax laws.


Proactive way to eliminate future litigation for covered transactions once the agreement is signed between the cbdt and the tax payer, for 5 forward looking and 4 rollback years.

We offer:-

    • End to end support including :-
      • Indepth analysis of business and alligning the transfer pricing policy with the business model
      • Providing strategic guidance in preparation and submission of APA application
      • Negotiation with APA authorities
      • Post conclusion support,
      • Filing of annual compliance report and
      • Audit


  • Formulate audit defense strategy before all forums (TPO, DRP, Commissioner of Income Tax ( Appeals) and Income Tax Appellate Tribunal
  • Providing assistance in terms of preparation of written submissions / appeal documents
  • Representation before authorities
  • Briefing of senior counsel, in case of High Court & Supreme Court


Preparation of detailed transfer pricing documentation (local file) for all countries (Global Documentation) encopassing:-

    • Understand the related party transactions entered into by the Company with its related parties;
    • Analyse the industry in which the company operates;
    • Identify the functions performed, assets utilized, and risks assumed by the Parties to the transaction.
    • Evaluate the most appropriate transfer pricing method as prescribed under the applicable Transfer Pricing Regulations for those related party transactions
    • Undertake a detailed benchmarking analysis using public databases
    • Determine the appropriate arm’s length price for the transaction as per the applicable Transfer Pricing Regulations


Issuance of Accountant’s report in Form 3CEB by a Chartered Accountant irrespective of any threshold

Per Section 92E of the Indian Income Tax Act, every enterprise having international transactions with its Associated Enterprise(s) (‘AEs’) is required to obtain an Accountant’s Report in the prescribed format within the due date prescribed. Our support in this regard would entail:-

    • Examining the international transactions and related accounts and records of the Company in respect of AEs, and report whether in our opinion, proper information and documents as prescribed by Rule 10D of the Income-tax Rules, 1962 (‘Rules’) have been maintained by the Company;
    • Examine and report whether in our opinion the particulars required to be furnished under Section 92E read with the annexure to Form No. 3CEB of the Rules are true and correct.


  • Evaluating the applicability of safe harbour provisions to the related party transactions
  • Preparation and filing of safe harbour application (form 3cefa in india)
  • Subsequent representation before the tax authorities



  • Preparation of master file document for MNE group as per the format prescribed by the OECD, Indian Regulations or any other jurisdiction.
    • Customization of existing MNE group ‘s master file for the purpose of the local group transfer pricing compliance.
    • Preparation of the relevant Formsfor the MNE which entails:-

Group Structure

    • Understanding group structure
    • Understanding the business operations of operating entities
    • Understanding the key drivers and policies in place

FAR Analysis

    • Understanding the business strategy of the group
    • Understanding the functions performed, assets employed and risks borne by each entity

Master File Contents

    • Develop a detailed understanding on the following:
      • Group overview
      • Business of the Group
      • Intra Group policies
      • Intangibles
      • Financing arrangements
    • Prepare master file based on the above understanding and analysis
  • Review of the group master file in light of the respective coutry requirements and providing inputs w.r.t. alignment of the local file and master file.

Support for country by country reporting where the consolidated Turnover of the Multinational Group exceeds EUR 750 million

  • Preparation of Country-by-Country report (CbCR) for the MNE Group as per the format prescribed by the OECD, and agreed by Inclusive framework countries.
  • Preparation of the relavt form as per the parent entity jurisdiction  and assistance in filing with the Tax authorities.
  • Review of the three tier documentation – CbCR, Master File and Local file, undertaking gap analysis to identify any inconsistencies and providing inputs on alignment the three-tier documentation with the facts of the MNE Group.

Risk assessment of the Group’s transactions based on the key parameters

IP Structuring/ DEMPE Analysis

    • Identify the intangibles used and the economically significant risks associated with DEMPE;
    • Identify the full contractual arrangements, with an emphasis on legal ownership, rights and obligations, including assumption of risks;
    • Identify the parties performing functions, using assets and managing risks related to DEMPE;
    • Confirm consistency between the contractual terms and the parties’ conduct and determine whether the party assuming economically significant risks controls and has the financial capacity to assume those risks, applying the risk guidance;
    • Delineate the actual controlled transactions related to the DEMPE of ip; and
    • Price the delineated transactions.


  • Review the business model of the company,
  • Evaluate the intercompany transaction in light of the intercompany agreements in place
  • Evaluate the TP documents to ensure that it reflects the policies in place and whether the results are at arm‘s length.
  • Evaluate Master File and CBCR Report (if applicable) to identify potential risks during M&A.
  • Review previous years TP orders, audit positions taken.
  • Advice to reduce the risk exposure


Conduct searches in databases (India and Foreign) to identify appropriate comparables as that of the tax payer which involves:-

    • Undertake a detailed comparability analysis using appropriate database
    • Devising the search strategy and approach
    • Carrying out review of brief business descriptions of companies to shortlist them for detailed review
    • Undertaking detailed review of the selected companies and identification of the final list of comparable companies
    • Arriving at an appropriate arm’s length results of comparable companies and provide recommendations on an appropriate transfer pricing policy


Designing Global Transfer pricing Policy

    • Evaluate the business and identify the value drivers in the supply chain
    • Identify the characterization of entities (in accordance with the functions performed, risks assumed and assets utilized) and selection of tested party for the analysis.
    • Evaluate the most appropriate transfer pricing method as prescribed for the international transaction as per the applicable Transfer Pricing Regulations.
    • Price setting through benchmarking
    • Evaluate the cost covered for invoicing with respect to all transacting entities in the proposed structure
    • Provide guidance as to the internal documentation that may need to be maintained by the company from transfer pricing regulations perspective
    • Support to draft the global TP policy

Drafting Intercompany agreements

    • Drafting intercompany agreements from a transfer pricing perspective on various clauses and aspects, based on understanding of the business activities undertaken by the Company and its Group entities.

Transaction Structuring

    • Evaluate the supply chain to identify the value contributions of various entities and the transaction flows across jurisdictions
    • Support to ensure compliance with the OECD BEPS action plans in conenction with various inter group transctions (tangible, intangible, financing, services)
    • Support to evaluate any implications on account of business model conversions including exit charge implications in various jurisdictions